
Diagnosing and Avoiding Damage to Drip Tape
The evolution of drip tape materials, drip tape emitter pathways, and hardware to connect, install, and remove/retrieve drip tape has been nothing short of phenomenal since the early drip tape days of the 1970’s. Drip tape has been successfully used on millions of acres of cropland, often with exceptional savings in water and improvements in crop quality and yields. A

Summer Drip Irrigation System Maintenance
Summer is the time for many things, including drip irrigation system maintenance. Many drip systems have adequate filtration, chemical injection and flushing capabilities, but extra attention and diligence may be required this season. This is because growers are reporting that water and fertilizer quality is worse than ever before, creating a challenge for even the most experienced drip irrigators. The attached document, “A

A Systematic Approach to Optimizing SDI Operation and Maintenance
Abstract: An SDI system represents a significant investment which can reap substantial benefits if managed properly. Assuming system selection, design and installation were appropriate, proactive operation and maintenance techniques should be adopted to optimize SDI system performance. The discussion will focus on systematically addressing five critical Operation and Maintenance topics, and will draw upon both old and important new information recently

Roberts Irrigation RO-DRIP® User Manual
THE ROBERTS DIFFERENCE An ongoing commitment to tradition, integrity, and innovation have made Roberts Irrigation Products one of the world’s leading producers of micro and drip irrigation products, including RO-DRIP and RO-DRIP XL drip irrigation tapes. We have spent enough time in the field to recognize the practical needs of row crop growers like you, and have applied the latest precision manufacturing methods to

NETAFIM – Successful Drip Irrigation Systems
AT THE HEART OF THE SYSTEM – THE INTEGRAL DRIPPER Netafim’s integral drippers are injection molded using state-of-the-art precision machinery. This enables Netafim to produce drippers with the widest and shortest water passages on the market. Each integral dripper includes a precision molded filter. The position of the filter ensures that water is not drawn from the wall of the

Drip Chemigation: Acid
Acid Injection Mineral precipitates can form deposits (scale) that clog emitters. The most common deposits are calcium or magnesium carbonates and iron oxides. Since precipitation occurs more readily in water with a high pH (above 7.0), precipitation of these compounds can be prevented by continuous injection (whenever the system is operating) of a small amount of acid to maintain water pH just below

Rule of thumb: Be able to deliver at least one acre inch of water per week to the root system of the plants. One Acre Inch of Water is approximately 27,000 Gallons. For orchards with one or two emitters per tree that have been grower installed into polyethylene trickle tubing, the formula for calculating the number of hours of irrigation per week

Hay Baler Used to Roll Up Plastic After Harvest
A standard hay baler can compress plastic used for growing vegetables into a 4-feet by 5-feet ball, saving growers money in labor and disposal costs. Ron Goldy, Michigan State University Southwest district vegetable agent, piqued the interest of growers after he showed them baling techniques at six different farms in Southwest Michigan including a demonstration on Sept, 20. When it

Preparing Drip For Winter
Winterizing Irrigation Systems By scheduling a winterizing program, you will ensure the life of the watering system and head off any potential start-up problems in the spring. Winterizing is accomplished by properly draining the system before the onset of frost and snow in order to prevent the expansion of water left in the system – and the subsequent cracking of irrigation lines.

Apple Grower of The Year
Ed Wittenbach has achieved this honor not by following but by becoming someone to follow. Reprinted from American Fruit Grower – August 1999. What makes an Apple Grower Of The Year? You could ask Ed Wittenbach. But although he’s one of the more active and outspoken growers on behalf of the industry, I doubt he’ d go about tooting his